Career Advancement General Knowledge Self Improvement

Mental Wellness for a Sure Future

Recently, a friend had to close his printing business. There were no brochures or books to print and projects were scarce. This is of course due to the current national and world…Continue readingMental Wellness for a Sure Future

Career Advancement Self Improvement

How do you positioning yourself in your company?

In a recent report by the Human Resources Ministry, almost 100, 000 people have lost their jobs in 2020. Almost all of this is because of the pandemic. With the announcement of…Continue readingHow do you positioning yourself in your company?

Career Advancement Interview Tips Resume Tips Self Improvement

Creating Value: Job hunting preparations you can do now

In a previous post, we spoke about upgrading yourself; about having creativity, adaptability, emotional intelligence and intentional learning. To upgrade ourselves, we certainly need to add to our personal brand. Go to…Continue readingCreating Value: Job hunting preparations you can do now