General Knowledge Resigning Working Environment

Thinking of resigning? Reevaluate your reasons.

To continue with our last article, here is the part 2. In previous generations, when employment trends were different and the world, a different place economically, people were very content with whatever job they had. We know of people who have worked for thirty, even forty years for the same company. It was a different time. It also had to do with world economic recovery in the years after World War 2. Life was markedly different compared to today.

In this time period, with improvements and shifts in the global economy, better opportunities for further education, employment and scientific advances, the world is once again in a place where more complex opportunities abound. That being said, human nature is one of dissatisfaction and progress, with the need to have more and better things or make things better. In employment, some inadequacies will always and still persist. Here, we list some other reasons why you should consider moving out from your current comfort zone.

Reason 1: Under challenged, Professional Unfulfillment or Job Dissatisfaction

As you go on working month by month, year by year, you look around and things are still the same. It’s important to list these things down to decide if these are valid reasons for you to leave, or can they be remedied. This first reason has to do with an individual that’s quite driven and ambitious. You are easily unsatisfied and aggressive in meeting your targets. You are fantastic and superb as far as sales and performance goes.

In the middle of time somewhere, you find that you’re the only one early and diligent at the workplace. You’re also a great team player but others don’t seem to play to your pace. Even your employer is quite settled in his comfort zone and not particularly willing to invest in facing the next set of challenges that you know will come in the next 10 years.

You believe in early and not late investment. Your experience has trained you that way. But others are not on board with you. Things remain the same inside, but clients demands are getting more complicated. You are ready but your people are always not. If it’s holding you back and you are unable to talk to your people, then perhaps you should consider an exit strategy.

Reason 2: Low Salary Quota

A low salary quota has to do with your post as determined by the company’s maximum budget. Your experience and qualifications are considered as the expected value required. What this means is the company already has a scale of a starting salary to yearly increases for you. This culminates in a final maximum figure and that is where your salary stops growing.

Sometimes this can be renegotiated with your up-skill and performance. The amount of value that you bring can be rightly reflected to the company’s health. This can be done in your annual job performance review. While this may be true, how many companies are willing to do this negotiation and job review? 

So, the reverse truth is also that sometimes, the only way to secure a higher salary and benefits is to look elsewhere if the company is unwilling to appraise you and no reason is given. This is the reason why before joining a company, you must find out all you can about them, especially how their workers are treated and their size and liquidity.

It will not be a perfect picture, but just perfect enough for you to fit in and contribute your value. And who knows, you might find a good place for yourself. A bit of foresight is what you need in all these situations.

Reason 3: Better Prospects present themselves

What will you do if you receive a better job offer, with far more prospects and benefits? Will you just take it?

Well, this is up to the individual. What if you had a very good relationship with your current boss? An old friend went through the same situation. A better job offer arrived when he was the secretary to the managing director and a sizable contract was about to be seen through. At that time, the director had a stroke, leaving him partially unable to move. His secretary turned down the offer and said, “ This is the time when my boss really needs me”. He drove him around and saw things through to a satisfied completion. A few short years later, the director passed away, but not until he had repaid his secretary and friend with an undisclosed sum and a higher decision making post in his own company.

Reason 4: The inability to produce meaningful relationships

Some people will say, “People come and go” or “We’re not going to live a 100 years, so avoid getting personal and go with whatever opportunity you can.”

Perhaps a little balance in thinking and reasoning is the key here. If you are working somewhere where solid meaningful working relationships can’t be formed, then people will leave for those reasons too because no-one is invested in each other. So you’ll have to weigh your decisions against your prospects but at the same time, not burn your relationships. When you leave, make no room for hate but assist your previous company should there be a phone call asking you to help in something which does not conflict with your new place.

Yet with all this being said, you can still have your cake and eat it. Should you receive a better offer, go for it as you may be moving to a bigger and better connected place with more resources and a higher remuneration bracket. Who knows, your previous good relationships will return one day as opportunities for both you and your ex company. We all know this as a win-win situation and a huge feather in your resume.

Reason 5: Core values not practiced or reflected in daily dealings.

Although this company says a few good things, It’s actions certainly don’t reflect any of their core values. As you dig a little deeper, you find that the turnover rate is very high. Although they may be a company that is less than 5 to 10 years old, a visit to the HR shows 4 – 5  thick ABBA files with the words TERMINATION emblazoned fearfully. What’s the reason for such high staff turnover? Well, the only place to look for such a sore thumb is to look at its head. Who is the person at the top? The CEO? One might find that no one in this organisation’s finance department is trusted to even sign a cheque for RM100. Or to even review a tiny policy matter because only the top man is perceived as having the right sense to do so. Failure to comply with these is met with warning letters and dismissal because they say things like, “There’s a long line of people waiting to come in”

Such places are not worth your career time. You should think twice before joining such places but if you do or find yourself already here, have a good exit strategy in place. Ask yourself when was your last salary increase and how much was it? If your position is as a middle manager or middle / senior executive; you play a pivotal role in operations and your salary increase is like RM100 a year which you had to wait 2 to 3 months to have it approved by this CEO in a company that’s pulling in 10 million a year, what does that tell you? 

To summarize, let’s run through these points again.

1. Reason 1: Under challenged, Professional Unfulfillment or Job Dissatisfaction

2. Reason 2: Low Salary Quota.

3. Reason 3: Better Prospects present themselves.

4. Reason 4: The inability to produce meaningful relationships.

5. Reason 5: Core values not practiced or reflected in daily dealings.